I’m really in the home stretch with my studio. I’ve been working on this room for over a year now and I’m ready to finish it off and put a bow on it. It’s been by far the biggest project I’ve done, followed closely by our master bathroom. But I just have a few more projects to do before I can say it’s finished. (I’m not including the studio’s half bath in this. I consider it a separate room and a completely separate project.)
But in the process of doing that project, I’ve turned the rest of the studio into a complete mess. (This shouldn’t surprise you if you’ve been around here a while. I’m probably the messiest handyman in the world, and I’m okay with that. Things always work out in the end.) I’ve taken things out of that closet that don’t need to go back in there, but I still need to go through them. I’ve used tools and paint that I haven’t put away yet. And I’m still collecting all of our cardboard boxes for a project my mom and I want to do. (More on that here.) So my studio is a complete mess.
The good news is that I haven’t used any of the storage space in the studio yet. There are a couple of cabinets and a couple of drawers that have stuff in them, but they’re not very organized yet. So I still have this huge organizing project I need to tackle. For now, everything is piled up on the countertops, work tables, and my desk.
Organizing is probably the biggest and most time-consuming project I do in the studio. I had been dreading the whole organizing process and had been putting it off as long as I could, but now that the closet is finished, I’m actually excited about it.
In addition to organizing, I still have some trim to finish. I still have to install molding in this area between the cabinets. It needs baseboards and door frames. And then I have to fill with wood putty, sand, caulk, and paint the trim here, as well as the trim on the opposite wall. Then, those two doors need to be painted.
And then I still have to do some electrical stuff in the desk area and then I have to upholster my chair.
Those are the big items I still have left on the list. Other than that, I have a few minor things. The whole apartment needs a good cleaning. I need to rehang my big calendar that keeps falling off the wall. And when I was hammering away at the storage closet, seven of my resin/alcohol ink cartridges fell off the wall, so I need to reattach them.
All of this to say that I feel motivated and excited. I had a few weeks of distractions with the gutted floor, new house plans, trying to build a workshop (no building permit approved yet), and finishing a project I was dreading doing. But now I really feel like I’m in the home stretch. I can see the finish line and I have a second wind for that final push to the finish line.
And to keep me motivated to get organized, I went back to one of my favorite original bloggers, I Heart Organizing. She no longer blogs, which I find very sad. She stopped blogging in March 2020. But she was always one of my favorites, and even though she no longer blogs, her blog is still there and full of organizing inspiration. So I started going through her archives a couple days ago to get motivated and stay motivated to organize my studio. This should be fun!
Addicted 2 Decorating is a place where I share my DIY and decorating experience while remodeling and decorating the 1948 home my husband Matt and I purchased in 2013. Matt has multiple sclerosis and is unable to do physical labor, so I do most of the work around the house alone. You can learn more about me here.