Here are the photographs included in the e-book and physical versions of my book, How not to be a supermodelIf you have downloaded the audiobook and for some reason cannot access the PDF, you can see the photos below.
If you have reached this page and have not yet read How not to be a supermodelyou can find it online here and in person at all good bookstores. That way the photos and titles will make sense! How not to be a supermodel is my bestselling autobiography of the 2000s that not only takes you on a fun ride through my decade and then some as a model, but catapults you back to a bygone era.
Okay, so it’s the 2000s, the turn of the millennium, not an ancient historical era, but still. It’s been long enough that it’s a nice, satisfying dose of nostalgia for some of you and a nice, “I can’t believe people did that!” mental shock for others. This may not be the kind of book you’d expect from a model’s autobiography – it’s not a sombre exposé or a year-by-year slog through chained thoughts and reflections. It’s ridiculous and chaotic and at times slightly scandalous and I think once you pick it up you won’t be able to put it down.
Buy How not to be a supermodel here
Page 20:
Practically an endomorph: the photo that allowed me to discover it.
Page 33:
I just wanted to look like Gisele: my first professional shoot.
Page 98
Nadia’s roommate: a selection of her best looks.
Page 204
Reader: I married him. (Later.)
Page 328